Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Blog Response 6

My favorite picture was the one with the Zebra and the baby Zonkey. The picture of the guy falling in the mud wouldn't make it into my top 100 photos of 2014. I think the most dangerous picture that was taken was the one that had a fireman and a fire in the background.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Unity MP

Camera Placement Distance to Subject Close MP

Blog Response 4

This guys photographic diary is really cool. I feel like it would be difficult to continuously take selfies and remember to take them every day. I wouldn't be able to handle all of the changes of my self being the looks and the growing up. I have respect for him since he can seem to handle what he's doing.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Blog Response 3

Multi function wheels are an amazing function on cameras. They help a lot with getting good pictures, such as close ups. My favorite setting to use is the one that allows me to take landscape, and firework images. They help me get the best quality of images.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Photography Pass

Blog Response 2

The invisible man's work is very interesting. It is a very different way of incorporating yourself into your work. My favorite photo he did was his 9th one. He seemed to blend in more and I didn't notice him as much. I could see myself doing this kind of work, but I feel like I wouldn't be able to make myself blend in very well.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Blog Response 1

The first rule of good photography is to have the image focused. My favorite photos are really focused images. The second rule of photography is to take pictures of nature. Nature is very calming and a great kind of photography. The third rule of photography is to have good quality images. Images with good quality are a great eye catcher.

Friday, December 5, 2014

21. Camera Placement Distance to Subject Far

20. Camera Placement Distance To Subject Midrange

19. Camera Placement Distance To Subject Close

18. Camera Placement Angle Straight On

17. Camera Placement Angle Down

16. Camera Placement Angle Up

15. Unity

14. Emphasis Rule Of Thirds

13. Emphasis Framing

12. Emphasis Selective Focus

11. Contrast Sharp Contrast

10. Contrast Back Lightning

9. Contrast Low Key

8. Contrast High Key

7. Balance Informal Balance

6. Balance Formal Balance

5. Rhythm

4. Pattern

3. Movement Blur For Effect

2. Movement Frozen Motion

1. Movement Leading Lines