Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Blog Response 13

I think his work is really interesting. There is an abstract look to it that catches my eye even if it is a picture of nothing. I feel like it is hard to catch someones eye when you are trying to do pictures like this.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Goldsworthy Shot


I cropped the image. I brought down the brightness and brought up the contrast. Then I darkened the image and brought up the saturation.


Man's Impact


I cropped the image and brightened the image and brought up the contrast. Then I changed the hue and lowered the saturation. Then lightened the image.


Bug's Eye View Nature


I cropped the image and brought the contrast up. I also darkened it and brought up the saturation. I turned the background black and white.


Natural Water


I brought up the brightness and lowered the contrast. I also brought up the hue, lowered the saturation and brought up the lightness.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Nature Inside


I cropped the image, lowered the contrast and brought up the brightness. I also lowered the saturation of the image and brought up the hue.


Wild Animal


I cropped the image and brought up the brightness and lowered the contrast. Then I brought up the hue, lowered the saturation and lowered the lightness.


Nature Taking Over


I cropped the image, and then I lowered the brightness and brought up the contrast. I lowered the hue, brought up the saturation, and lowered the lightness. Finally I put a warming filter on it.


BASED on Nature


I cropped the image and brightened the image. I also lowered the contrast and lowered the saturation.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015



I lowered the brightness and brought up the contrast. Then I lowered the hue and lightened the image.




I cropped the image and changed the brightness and contrast. I changed the hue and saturation and I put a deep red filter on the image.


Nature Panorama


I merged all of the photos and brightened the picture. Then I changed the contrast and changed the hue so that it was more blue. I saturated the image and lightened it. Then I put a warming filter on it to make it look a little brighter.


Blog Response 12

I have done all 3 of the movie worksheets, the comp tech assignment, and the portraits assignment. I have also responded to all 12 blog responses. In the next 6 weeks I will use my time better in this class because I need to do that more. I have also filled out an evaluation sheet for every assignment I have done so far.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Blog Response 11

I have a hobby with dance. This would make a good photo series because different shots of different moves could be taken. Poses or mid motion pictures could be taken showing difficulty and muscle and just over all what it looks like mid motion in a dance.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Recreate a 'Famous' Photo

Famous Photo:

My Original: 


Blog Response 9

I think that if an ID photo is edited like this and makes you not really look like you than it shouldn't be allowed. It makes it so you can't use your photo ID. I don't think photographers should be allowed to airbrush pictures with out the permission of the person of their photo being taken. It kind of gives the thought that you should feel ashamed for looking a certain way so you need to edit your images of yourself.

Monday, January 12, 2015

At Work Photography



No Face Portrait



Blog response 9

If I could go anywhere in the world to take photographs I would go to England to take images of the city. If I won the lottery I would go to Italy because I've seen really good pictures of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and I think it would be cool to visit there. This is a nature photo that I am proud of:

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Blog Response 8

The image of Perry B stuck out to me because it was kind of like it was his portrait with his dog, he was sitting with his dog. These portraits are good because they show the struggle of others that have no where to live. Another 'sub culture' I can picture myself photographing is either the elderly, or cosplayers really. Photographing an issue like this can help fix the problem because it shows how difficult it is for them or how they care more about their animals than themselves.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Blog Response 7

The problem with working with rich, famous, and beautiful people is that they would want their pictures to look really good and they wouldn't pay you if they didn't like the way the pictures turned out. If I had the opportunity to photograph any celebrity I wanted I would photograph Patrick Stump because he is one of my favorite celebrities and he seems like someone that would be fun to take photographs with. I feel like celebrities kind of control the photo shoot but so does the photographer in deciding how they should be posed.